Euler Problem 3 — Largest Prime Factor

Python Mathematics

Project Euler hosts interesting mathematical/programming challenges. Quoting the site itself:

The first one-hundred or so problems are generally considered to be easier than the problems which follow.

In this post, I am presenting my solution to the first problem. I do not have the intention to spoil the problem for anyone. However, the solutions for the first 100 problems can be posted

as long as any discussion clearly aims to instruct methods, not just provide answers, and does not directly threaten to undermine the enjoyment of solving later problems.

The problem can be found here. For convenience, I include it here:

The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143?

Creating the test cases

I start by manually creating the test cases.

In term of Python code, the tests in file are the following:

import pytest
from euler import largest_prime_factor

def test_0():
    assert largest_prime_factor(1) == 1

def test_1():
    assert largest_prime_factor(64) == 2

def test_2():
    assert largest_prime_factor(62) == 31

def test_3():
    assert largest_prime_factor(35) == 7

def test_4():
    assert largest_prime_factor(150) == 5

def test_5():
    assert largest_prime_factor(6) == 3

def test_6():
    assert largest_prime_factor(47) == 47

Then, I create the template for the function that I need to implement in

def largest_prime_factor(n: int) -> int:
    return 0

Naturally, if I start testing:

pytest -v

all the test failed.


The idea is to use brute force: I iterate through all the integers starting from 2 (the first prime number) and the the value provided as input (x); I initialize the current_max_divisor to 1:

import math

def largest_prime_factor(x: int) -> int:
    current_max_divisor = 1
    i = 2

    while i <= x:
        i = i + 1

I test whether the current i is a divisor for x with the following:

(x % i) == 0

I iterate over the powers of i, dividing as long as the power of i is a divisor for x. Take for example x=24 and let i=2. Then i keep dividing by 2 as long as x can no longer be divided by the power of two. Thus the code snippet:

while (x % i) == 0:
  current_max_divisor = i
  x = x // i

at the first iteration:

24 % 2 == 0

the condition is true, then current_max_divisor is 2. I divide x (and replace it) with 24//2 (integer division). Now, i remains equal to 2, x is 12. The condition

12 % 2 == 0

it still true, thus I divide x by 2 again.

6 % 2 == 0

is still holds true, thus I further divide by 2.

3 % 2 == 0

is false; then, in increment i by one; thus, i=3. I can divide 3 by i, obtaining a new value for current_max_divisor. Now, x is equal to 1, thus I exit the loop.

To summarize, the final code is:

import math

def largest_prime_factor(x: int) -> int:
    current_max_divisor = 1
    i = 2

    while i <= x:
        while (x % i) == 0:
            current_max_divisor = i
            x = x // i
        i = i + 1

    return int(current_max_divisor)

and the result can be obtained by:
